
Translationfor'jenga'inthefreeSwahili-EnglishdictionaryandmanyotherEnglishtranslations.,JengaisagameofphysicalskillcreatedbyBritishboardgamedesignerandauthorLeslieScottandmarketedbyHasbro.ThenamecomesfromtheSwahiliword ...,2017年12月28日—Jenga,derivedfromtheSwahiliwordKujengameaning“tobuild”,representsmorethanjustatowerofbuildingblocks.Afterall,overthe ...,2020年11月5日—Asaproprietarytabletopg...


Translation for 'jenga' in the free Swahili-English dictionary and many other English translations.


Jenga is a game of physical skill created by British board game designer and author Leslie Scott and marketed by Hasbro. The name comes from the Swahili word  ...

The Jenga Metaphor

2017年12月28日 — Jenga, derived from the Swahili word Kujenga meaning “to build”, represents more than just a tower of building blocks. After all, over the ...

Leslie Scott's Jenga Game (or, in Swahili, Zuia kwa kuzuia

2020年11月5日 — As a proprietary tabletop game, Jenga has been ranked second only to Monopoly in terms of worldwide sales, which is especially interesting ...

What is the Swahili word for Jenga

2024年5月28日 — Jenga, derived from the Swahili word Kujenga meaning “to build”, represents more than just a tower of building blocks. After all, over the .

What does Jenga symbolize

2024年5月26日 — Jenga, derived from the Swahili word Kujenga meaning “to build”, represents more than just a tower of building blocks. After all, over the .

Jenga • It's derived from kujenga, a Swahili word which ...

2019年9月17日 — Jenga • It's derived from kujenga, a Swahili word which means to build.

What does jenga mean in Swahili?

What does jenga mean in Swahili? ; brace noun ; jenga, gango, kitu cha kufungia ; brace up ; jenga ; float verb ...